During your visit in Peru it is worth to organize a trip to places where you can see not only textiles, but also their creation process. In this part of the country handmade products are amazing.
What is interesting, all local communities are still cultivating traditions from Inca Imperium times. From local women, working is this area, you can get a lot of useful, interesting information about textile production. This is incredible adventure, worth each penny and extra time. You will get not only new knowledge, but also new experiences.
How Peruvian textiles are being made?
Textiles in Cusco region are handmade, with traditional texture and colors. Whole process is fully natural. Natural is wool – one of the best available from lama or even better alpaca or the best one from vicuna. Overall the most expensive products are being made from vicuna or baby alpaca.
Pamiętać też trzeba, że w różnych częściach regionu Cusco wytwarza się nieco inne tekstylne produkty, z innymi rzecz jasna wzorami i kolorystyką. Dzięki temu łatwo rozpoznać, skąd dana rzecz pochodzi. Co do zasady tekstylia wyrabiane są przez kobiety, ale nie tylko. W niektórych społecznościach, jak na przykład Amaru, przynajmniej częściowo również i mężczyźni rękodzielnictwem się trudnią.
You need to remember that in different Cusco regions, different textile products are being made, with different colors, textures. Thanks to that it is easy to recognize from where given products are coming from. Textiles are being made mainly by women, but there are some exceptions. In some communities, for example Amaru, men are also working in this handmade business.
The most famous places in Cusco region where you can get to biggest portion of information about textiles?
My favorite communities, beautiful textiles experts, are located in small town Chinchero in the Pisac area and in Patacancha Valley. Each of these places is different, each community has its own unique traditions. When you have enough time, go to both locations.
If anyone of you is short on time and wants to see as much as possible, take a look on our offers here and here. I always include there lesson about Peruvian textiles and many, many other attractions.