Natural penicillin, does something like that exist? It turns out that yes and what is even better, in the opinion of Peruvians works perfectly, curing or preventing from quite a lot of illnesses. The mysterious medicine is called tocosh and originally comes from central and north part of Peru. It is also called as the Inca’s Penicillin or Ancient Andean antibiotic, because the existence of it we owe to the Incas or even to pre Incas culture – Chavin. First of all tocosh in its natural non processed form (it means as the fermented potatoes) you can find in Huánuco and Huaraz region.
In other regions you will usually find it in the processed form, as a powder.
How to find natural Peruvian penicillin tocosh?
Well, if you would love to try the natural, non-processed form of tocosh, you need to look for the fermented potatoes. There is one thing you can be completely sure about, while looking for tocosh! It will be very easy to find the fermented potatoes! The sellers of this unique medicine you can meet on the local markets. The horrible odor will bring you directly to the right place. The clue that tocosh is close, will give you the horrible smell, which you will feel from the distance. Probably you will have then idea to escape from that area as soon as possible. But please be strong and follow this incredibly smelly odor, because it will lead you to a very good and also cheap antibiotic, which can help you in a lot of situations.
Thanks to eating natural Peruvian penicilin tocosh in a non-processed form, as a mazzamora or jelly-like dessert or thanks to drinking it in processed form as a powder you can prevent or cure yourself of some illnesses. For example tocosh is used for the common cold, gastric ulcers, heartburn, pneumonia and among others altitude sickness. This Andean natural antibiotic improves also the immune system, reduces inflammation of the urinary tracts, prevents osteoporosis, helps to improve digestion system and increases body heat. The flour of this Inca’s penicillin is also used as a curative when someone has a wound.
I was born in the Andes and now I live in the US. I would love to buy tocosh. Any ideas where I could buy it. Any online sites you know of? I would be very appreciative. Thank you for the article and the knowledge of this wonderful Incan food.
yest , you can buy it online. There are a lot of website where you can find it. Among others here: